English TEM

Welcome to T.E.M. (Touristic Ecosostenible Montano)

or in English Sustainable Mountain Tourism

The purpose of TEM Association:

We created TEM Association to promote sustainable ecological mountain tourism through a variety of cultural events and ecological practices.

Some of the ways that we try to preserve and promote the rural traditions of our rural mountainous region in all of its forms by promoting sustainable and ecological tourism on the web. We also support the protection of our environment, as well as typical traditional regional building and Piemontese cuisine by offering cooking classes, buying locally and using organic produce directly from our garden. Through our lifetime membership with the “Slow Food -Good Clean and Fair” and “Terra Madre” organizations, we have learned much about how to achieve these goals.

Benvenuti - Welcome

Benvenuti – Welcome

Our association contributes to sustainable development by working with various projects that helps to enhance and preserve the local wild flowers and herbs especially in our neighborhood of Serre Marchetto and Grandubbione, as well as the Chisone and Germanasca valleys.

Family garden

Family Garden

We cooperate with other local organizations and associations, as well as artisanal food producers and artisans to support the local economy and preserve the rich cultural heritage of our mountain life.